When performance tests are run from Jenkins by integrating HP PC with Jenkins. We can only see HTML file as results. Is there a way I can retrieve the complete Raw results or Analsyis file be cause HTML file only shows high level results but more diagnosis raw results are required.
Hi Saurabh,
Currently, the Performance Center plugin running test is only able to download html result analysis result. The raw result is not downloaded to the workspace of Jenkins job because it can be quite voluminous and it can be retrieved from the Performance Center project itself.
Daniel Danan
added a comment - Hi Saurabh,
Currently, the Performance Center plugin running test is only able to download html result analysis result. The raw result is not downloaded to the workspace of Jenkins job because it can be quite voluminous and it can be retrieved from the Performance Center project itself.
Daniel Danan
Saurabh Soni
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Hi Saurabh,
Currently, the Performance Center plugin running test is only able to download html result analysis result. The raw result is not downloaded to the workspace of Jenkins job because it can be quite voluminous and it can be retrieved from the Performance Center project itself.