New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Typical Jenkins
Add a new Copy Artifact option "Copy from downstream build".
This would only be useful if the job made use of the synchronous (wait to complete) usage of a "Trigger a Build" build step from the Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
When enabled, the plugin could query the downstream job, looking for any job whose UPSTREAM job matched the current job and build number. If one were found, artifacts from that build could be selected.
There would be a weird situation: if a job used MORE THAN ONE "Trigger a Build" in a synchronous fashion, then tried to retrieve artifacts from that build. If the default behavior was to copy artifacts from the MOST RECENT downstream build, that would be fine.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-12204 Add extension point for copy artifact to be able to copy the downstream build instead of the "last successful"
- Resolved
Copyartifact has extension points so other plugins can add selectors.. since this option is tied to a feature of parameterized-trigger, the copyartifact selector should actually be implemented in that plugin (and thus becomes available when both plugins are installed).