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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-15779

Parsing ivy descriptors step fails on a slave when custom ivy settings file is used


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • ivy-plugin
    • None
    • Linux

      We have a global custom ivy settings file that is used by the Jenkins jobs, that are using Ivy build trigger to run. Due to the StackOverflowError we are trying to find a path to migrate all jobs from being free-style to ivy jobs.
      The ivy settings file includes another file specific to the java version basing on the env variable JAVA_VERSION (named like extended.settings-${ENV.JAVA_VERSION})
      On master node this resolves properly and parsing ivy descriptors step works properly. But the same exact build fails if running on a slave.
      I tried to inject all sorts of variables using envInject plugin but it gives me the error all the time:

      Error while reading the default Ivy2.1 settings: failed to load settings from file "our_global_ivy_settings_file".xml: io problem while parsing config file "extended.settings-${ENV.JAVA_VERSION}.xml"

      Note that the variable in the file name was not expanded properly.

        1. ivy.hpi
          1.73 MB
          Johno Crawford
        2. ivy.hpi
          1.73 MB
          Johno Crawford
        3. ivy.hpi
          1.50 MB
          Johno Crawford
        4. ivy.hpi
          1.50 MB
          Johno Crawford

            gbois Gregory Boissinot
            eguess74 eguess74
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            6 Start watching this issue
