Resolution: Unresolved
Using Global-Build-Stats 1.3 and Jenkins 1.470
I've configured about 6 graphs in our Jenkins environment. Now when clicking the global build stats link from the manage jenkins options, I get the attached screenshot. See the chrome network details in the image, what appears to be happening is the request to the following URL:
Never stops returning data, it reaches roughly 536kb of JSON streams before the browser just hangs/crashes/gives up.
The charts I have plotted are 3 build stats charts for fairly busy Continuous Integration jobs over the past 14 days (daily aggregated stats over 14 days for success/fail etc) And the same time interval for Average Build Time.
The individual api's for each chart work fine if I request the specific JSON data for the chart, I get accurate and clear data. Such as:
Due to this issue however, I cannot configure any new charts, or remove charts.
So I need two solutions. First, I need to get access to the configuration screen, which means I need a way to delete a chart configuration manually without relying on the configuration screen in Jenkins.
Second, I need to know if this limitation is by design, if I've done something wrong, is this a genuine bug, can I fix this?
Thanks for the response. I haven't yet tried just going straight to each chart I have other than hitting the JSON api for each to get data, which works fine. I'll test the individual charts today and see what I can find. There are a few charts that I don't know the key for, I had just made them recently, I do not know how to get the chart ID's for them outside the UI, is there any way to do that?
I'm also unclear on what you mean by a "content file". Is this something in the Jenkins folders I can look at on disk? If so where is it? Thanks for your help so far I appreciate it! I'll respond back with the results of my individual chart testing.