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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-16653

provide option to disable pre-build steps in matrix jobs

      The parent build of a matrix job executes the "Source Code Management" (eg: Subversion checkout) and "Build environment" (eg: Workspace Cleanup Plugin) sections of the job configuration.

      I can't see where that would ever be useful (how would anything get access to the source code checkouts done by the parent build?) and is often detrimental (see https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-16521) so maybe this issue is just to stop any build steps happening on the parent job?

      However, assuming these steps do have some use for some users, can we please have a config option on the job that, when checked, prevents pre-build steps from being executed by parent builds of matrix jobs?

          [JENKINS-16653] provide option to disable pre-build steps in matrix jobs

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            cjw296 Chris Withers
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