Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 1.501, build-pipeline 1.3.3
(This issue was likely also reported on Google Code by someone else but never answered.)
We're suffering from a severe memory leak that seems to be coming from the Build Pipeline plugin, growing with each HTTP request for the build pipeline view.
We took a heap dump after just one work day of run-time and ran jhat on it. The graph shows memory usage growing almost linearly over the course of a day and the heap analysis shows an unusually high number of instances of the class au.com.centrumsystems.hudson.plugin.buildpipeline.BuildForm.
Instance Counts for All Classes (excluding platform) 806069 instances of class org.kohsuke.stapler.bind.BoundObjectTable$1 800273 instances of class au.com.centrumsystems.hudson.plugin.buildpipeline.BuildForm 800273 instances of class au.com.centrumsystems.hudson.plugin.buildpipeline.PipelineBuild 51265 instances of class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList 31526 instances of class hudson.util.DescribableList 30784 instances of class [Lorg.apache.commons.jexl.parser.Node; 24643 instances of class jenkins.model.lazy.BuildReference 24228 instances of class net.bull.javamelody.CounterRequest 22565 instances of class com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.ConcurrentWeakHashMap$HashEntry 22565 instances of class com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.ConcurrentWeakHashMap$WeakKeyReference 18441 instances of class hudson.model.View$PropertyList
- In issue 143 on Google Code, the reporter also mentioned that they downgraded the plugin to version "1.2.3".
- We were restarting Jenkins every night, which caused other problems.
- For now, we're able to free up memory by identifying the session that keeps refreshing the pipeline view and killing that session.
- duplicates
JENKINS-26882 Memory leak in build pipeline plugin
- Open
- is related to
JENKINS-16341 Memory leak in createJavaScriptProxy
- Open
What's being leaked are BuildForm and BuildPipelineForm instances from the buildGrid matrix. They are referenced in a HashMap within Winstone's sessionData, created by Stapler with this code in src/main/resources/au/com/centrumsystems/hudson/plugin/buildpipeline/BuildPipelineView/bpp.jelly: