Resolution: Unresolved
In order to be included in Permission.getAll(), a Permission needs to be initialized in a static block inside an @Extension or otherwise definitely loaded during startup.
The visible symptom is that you might configure an authorization strategy such as matrix with all permissions granted, then go back later and see SCM/Tag missing, because it was unknown earlier.
- is blocking
JENKINS-16502 Permission to see an agent
- Reopened
- is related to
JENKINS-15484 New permission controlling ability to configure your own User
- Open
JENKINS-37546 When dynamic plugin load fails, PermissionGroups are not being cleaned up
- Open
- In Progress
JENKINS-27134 Permission for input approval, or choice of Jenkins-specific group as submitter
- Open
- links to
Would be better to have some kind of declarative registration for permissions. Could handle default grant status for things like JENKINS-15484 as well. Some other messiness: hudson.security.WipeOutPermission=true; hudson.security.ArtifactsPermission=true; and of course https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extended+Read+Permission+Plugin is well known.
https://github.com/jenkinsci/embeddable-build-status-plugin/pull/4/files#r4421926 claims that at least for Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy even loading the permission in an @Extension does not suffice—perhaps because it tries to load the matrix before extensions are loaded?