Resolution: Fixed
I have upgraded to Jenkins 1.530 and the build pipeline 1.4 plugin and now when a job in the pipeline fails or is aborted and the job is then re-executed to a successful completion, the job does not reflect a success and more importantly, the downstream job's trigger is NOT enables. This stops the pipeline in its tracks. I'm forced to create a entirely new pipeline.
- Initial job fails
- fix the underlying issue and hit the trigger on the failed job\
- the job does not indicate that it is re0running with the "yellow" in progress boc and the progress bar. if I look at the underlying job, I can see that it is running
- The job succeeds but the pipeline job is not upodated to "green" to reflect the sucess
- More importantly, the downstream job's trigger is not enabled.
- duplicates
JENKINS-26596 On restarting broken build in pipeline, dashboard should update accordingly
- Resolved
JENKINS-30801 Re-triggering a failed build copies the Actions from previous builds
- Resolved
- links to
Same issue on Jenkins LTS 1.509.4 with plugin version 1.4.1