Most of these plugins are fairly old and inactive, but adding trigger compatibility will involve minimal code changes compared to other plugins.
- update to be compatible with pipeline APIs
- Add unit tests to confirm changes are correct
- Bonus: speed up tests
- Note: AbstractTriggerTest uses Thread.sleep(60000), possibly more efficient impl
FSTrigger (thanks svanoort):
- Implement EnvVars lookup that works for pipeline too (probably use a job or Jenkins level API)
- Check compatibility of xtrigger-lib and FSTriggerCause
- Create bridge methods for old method signatures & convert plugin signatures to new one
- Add test that can trigger with pipelines
- Manual test that file changes will trigger a pipeline build
- refactor to use pipeline compatible APIs
- Add unit tests that triggers pipeline build from url response change
- Manually test that a different response from a url will trigger a build
Build result trigger:
- Fix tests. errors after clone (I see slf4j in the stack trace ugh)
- refactor to use pipeline compatible APIs
- More work than URL and FS trigger to refactor, lots of uses of AbstractProject
- Add unit tests that triggers pipeline build from result
- Manually test that the build result of a job can trigger a pipeline job
- Clean up code and docs. Add READMEs
- addTrigger pipeline step
I don't think ScriptTrigger (security issue; no longer distributed) or IvyTrigger (only 250 downloads) are worth looking at.
Most of these plugins are fairly old and inactive, but adding trigger compatibility will involve minimal code changes compared to other plugins.
FSTrigger (thanks svanoort):
Build result trigger:
I don't think ScriptTrigger (security issue; no longer distributed) or IvyTrigger (only 250 downloads) are worth looking at.