Resolution: Unresolved
RHEL 7, Jenkins ver. 1.580.3 LTS rpm, openjdk "1.7.0_51", SSH slaves
The plugin blocks with a message "Additional test report features is waiting for a checkpoint on <job-name> #num" whenever an earlier build of that job is still running, thus blocking the later build from finishing first. (The only "additional test report feature" I have is "Publish JUnit flaky tests reports".)
See JENKINS-9913 and related issues for other plugins.
This may apply to "JUnit flaky stats" too; I'm not sure yet. (But it looks like it's already using BuildStepMonitor.NONE, so it might be okay).
I've seen this too. A weird build had over a thousand failed tests, which were being processed VERY SLOWLY, and all subsequent builds were blocked on that. Very bad.
I'm also using JUnit Flaky Tests.