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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-30379

If we set Configure Global Security of jenkins as unix modeļ¼Œ"Out of Memory" error message appears when many clients login through this mode many times.


      We doubt whehter there is a memory leak in the method of callback in Class PAM of libpam4j-1.9.jar.
      It calls libc.calloc(pam_response.SIZE,num_msg); but the function of free is not called.


      protected synchronized UserDetails authenticate(String username, String password) throws AuthenticationException {

      { UnixUser uu = new PAM(serviceName).authenticate(username, password); // I never understood why Acegi insists on keeping the password... return new User(username,"",true,true,true,true, toAuthorities(uu)); }

      catch (PAMException e)

      { throw new BadCredentialsException(e.getMessage(),e); }


      //class PAM

      public PAM(String serviceName) throws PAMException {
      pam_conv conv = new pam_conv(new PamCallback() {
      public int callback(int num_msg, Pointer msg, Pointer resp, Pointer _) {
      LOGGER.fine("pam_conv num_msg="+num_msg);
      return PAM_CONV_ERR;

      // allocates pam_response[num_msg]. the caller will free this
      Pointer m = libc.calloc(pam_response.SIZE,num_msg);

      for( int i=0; i<num_msg; i++ ) {
      pam_message pm = new pam_message(msg.getPointer(POINTER_SIZE*i));

      { pam_response r = new pam_response(m.share(pam_response.SIZE*i)); r.setResp(password); r.write(); // write to (*resp)[i] }


      return PAM_SUCCESS;

      PointerByReference phtr = new PointerByReference();
      check(libpam.pam_start(serviceName,null,conv,phtr), "pam_start failed");
      pht = new pam_handle_t(phtr.getValue());

      public UnixUser authenticate(String username, String password) throws PAMException {
      this.password = password;

      { check(libpam.pam_set_item(pht,PAM_USER,username),"pam_set_item failed"); check(libpam.pam_authenticate(pht,0),"pam_authenticate failed"); // several different error code seem to be used to represent authentication failures // check(libpam.pam_acct_mgmt(pht,0),"pam_acct_mgmt failed"); PointerByReference r = new PointerByReference(); check(libpam.pam_get_item(pht,PAM_USER,r),"pam_get_item failed"); String userName = r.getValue().getString(0); passwd pwd = libc.getpwnam(userName); if(pwd==null) throw new PAMException("Authentication succeeded but no user information is available"); return new UnixUser(userName,pwd); }


      { this.password = null; }


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