Resolution: Fixed
Running Docker container: https://hub.docker.com/_/jenkins/
Jenkins version: 1.609.2
Plugins versions:
ant 1.2
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.3
authentication-tokens 1.2
batch-task 1.17
build-timeout 1.15
build-token-root 1.3
config-file-provider 2.9.2
credentials 1.22
cvs 2.12
deploy 1.10
disk-usage 0.25
docker-build-publish 1.0.1
docker-build-step 1.31
docker-commons 1.2
downstream-buildview 1.9
envinject 1.91.4
extended-choice-parameter 0.52
external-monitor-job 1.4
git 2.4.0
git-client 1.18.0
git-tag-message 1.4
gitlab-hook 1.4.0
google-oauth-plugin 0.3
grails 1.7-SNAPSHOT (private-05/10/2013 15:50-mmourao)
gravatar 2.1
greenballs 1.14
groovy 1.27
htmlpublisher 1.5
instant-messaging 1.35
jabber 1.35
javadoc 1.3
jobConfigHistory 2.12
jquery 1.11.2-0
junit 1.8
ldap 1.11
mailer 1.15
managed-scripts 1.2.1
matrix-auth 1.2
matrix-project 1.6
maven-plugin 2.11
maven-repo-cleaner 1.2
oauth-credentials 0.3
openid 2.1.1
pam-auth 1.2
parameterized-trigger 2.28
postbuild-task 1.8
publish-over-ssh 1.13
release 2.5.3
ruby-runtime 0.12
scm-api 0.2
script-security 1.14
simple-theme-plugin 0.3
sitemonitor 0.4
ssh-credentials 1.11
ssh-slaves 1.10
subversion 2.5.1
thinBackup 1.7.4
token-macro 1.10
translation 1.12
view-job-filters 1.26
windows-slaves 1.1
Running Docker container: https://hub.docker.com/_/jenkins/ Jenkins version: 1.609.2 Plugins versions: ant 1.2 antisamy-markup-formatter 1.3 authentication-tokens 1.2 batch-task 1.17 build-timeout 1.15 build-token-root 1.3 config-file-provider 2.9.2 credentials 1.22 cvs 2.12 deploy 1.10 disk-usage 0.25 docker-build-publish 1.0.1 docker-build-step 1.31 docker-commons 1.2 downstream-buildview 1.9 envinject 1.91.4 extended-choice-parameter 0.52 external-monitor-job 1.4 git 2.4.0 git-client 1.18.0 git-tag-message 1.4 gitlab-hook 1.4.0 google-oauth-plugin 0.3 grails 1.7-SNAPSHOT (private-05/10/2013 15:50-mmourao) gravatar 2.1 greenballs 1.14 groovy 1.27 htmlpublisher 1.5 instant-messaging 1.35 jabber 1.35 javadoc 1.3 jobConfigHistory 2.12 jquery 1.11.2-0 junit 1.8 ldap 1.11 mailer 1.15 managed-scripts 1.2.1 mapdb-api matrix-auth 1.2 matrix-project 1.6 maven-plugin 2.11 maven-repo-cleaner 1.2 oauth-credentials 0.3 openid 2.1.1 openid4java pam-auth 1.2 parameterized-trigger 2.28 postbuild-task 1.8 publish-over-ssh 1.13 release 2.5.3 ruby-runtime 0.12 scm-api 0.2 script-security 1.14 simple-theme-plugin 0.3 sitemonitor 0.4 ssh-credentials 1.11 ssh-slaves 1.10 subversion 2.5.1 thinBackup 1.7.4 token-macro 1.10 translation 1.12 view-job-filters 1.26 windows-slaves 1.1
Using the docker-build-publish:1.0.1 does not force the tag latest as it should when Skip Build is checked.
[listener] $ docker tag ***.net/***/listener ***.net/***/listener:1.0.3 [listener] $ docker tag ***.net/***/listener ***.net/***/listener:latest Error response from daemon: Conflict: Tag latest is already set to image 3fc347(...), if you want to replace it, please use -f option Build step 'Docker Build and Publish' marked build as failure
Other jobs, that indeed build the image, do not have this issue.