Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins v1.628 WAR running on CentOS 6.3
Powershell plug-in v1.3
When calling a powershell script using the powershell plugin, I am unable to pass Jenkins environment variables to the powershell script.
For example, I am currently trying to do the following as a build step using the Windows Powershell step:
powershell CC_Clients\pluginUnpacker.ps1 -projectName ${JOB_NAME} -bits "32,64"
This simply sends a blank projectName to my ps1, which then causes it to fail. I tried changing ${JOB_NAME} to ${BUILD_NUMBER}which is a Jenkins environment variable that I used in a different project in the post-build steps when calling a shell script, but that also sends a blank instead of the environment variable contents.
NOTE: I tried using the built-in formatting for the powershell command and the {{'s inserted by the editor didn't actually change anything. Hopefully this comment is readable enough without the extra formatting. Please let me know if you need any clarification or if I've report this in the wrong place or category. Thanks.
try: $env:BUILD_NUMBER