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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-31635

Eliminate need for scrolling when editing inline Pipeline script


      When defining a workflow actually the most important part is the workflow part. However, to see it after clicking the job, you need to scroll down all the time. From an interface ergonomics point of view this is very cumbersome. The major information that shows up in the middle of the screen seems to be the 'Build Triggers', however the SCM information is buried somewhere in the workflow anyway. Ideas: Move 'Build Triggers' to the bottom, move all of the additional project configuration to the bottom and put the workflow on top.

      tfennelly says in JENKINS-31585:

      On having to scroll down the page to see the flow .... yeah, agree again. This annoyed me enough when I first experimented with the ACE Editor that I played with adding tabs to the config pages. I was able to do this (without breaking form submission) and so bring the user straight to the flow, while at the same time generally making it easier to use the config. See short 30 sec video.

            tfennelly Tom FENNELLY
            cruftex Jens Wilke
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
