Support for running Coverity in a Jenkins Pipeline has been added in release 1.10.0 with the pipeline steps `coverityResults` and `withCoverityEnv`. Coverity tools have been moved to a 'ToolInstallation' (Global Tool Configuration) and can be used with the 'tool' step.
The decision was made to create an entirely new publisher (coverityResults) instead of re-working the existing CoverityPublisher (which does quite a bit more than get results from Coverity Connect). The new publisher only retrieves issues from a configured Coverity Connect Instance, Project, and View (filtering would be done within the Coverity Connect UI).
The build, analyze, commit commands are no longer automatically run, but tools can be scripted when accessed through the 'withCoverityEnv' or 'tool' steps.
See for complete details
Code changed in jenkins
User: Jesse Glick
JENKINS-32353JENKINS-32354JENKINS-32355 Merging #293.Compare: