Docker Traceability test is able to track which docker image was created in which build. This works if the image is created using any Docker Jenkins plugin.

      For example the Traceability test would show: b175bcb790231169e232739bd2172bded9669c25104a9b723999c5f366ed7543 (from FailedDockerTracebility #3)

      The plugin also allows you to set manually using curl (REST API), a docker image created outside Jenkins. In this case the traceability is not done completely since it doesn't show the build that created the image: 93c97f063c00fc14512c3f1075e67cff17cae0abcb01de82b8c870e9d54e42ad (outside Jenkins)

      One might argue that this is normal since the image was created outside Jenkins, but this could not be true at all. For example you might use Gradle Docker plugin to create the image, but the task being executed within Jenkins.

      In this cases you cannot set the build number when yo do the curl to submitContainerStatus, you can only set the Docker information. I think it would be useful that you can set this attribute as well, so from the point of view of Jenkins that Docker image would be created by a Docker Jenkins plugin, which although it is not true, it is almost true.

          [JENKINS-32646] Allowing to set build id for external items

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