Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 1.646
Multijob-plugin 1.20
jenkins-job-dsl 1.42
gradle-jenkins-plugin 1.3.2
Hey guys,
I'm using the job dsl to configure my jobs. I would like to set the "Abort all other job" option of an phasejob (Multijob) via DSL using the abortAllJobs() function which doesn't work. The corresponding node in the configuration XML persits 'false'.
Configuration via the Job DSL's configure block works anyway.
phase("PhaseName") { phaseJob("ConfigurationViaConfigure") { configure configureAbortingPhaseJob() } phaseJob("UsingDSLFeature") { abortAllJobs(true) }
Anyone else observed this behaviour?
I can't reproduce this on Jenkins 1.609 with Multijob 1.20 and Job DSL 1.43-SNAPSHOT.
My script:
The generated XML is: