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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-33464

Inconsistent verbiage in 2.0 plugin setup screen


      This ticket is really just to track some work that I had already started to change some verbiage in the "plugin setup" screen (see attached image).

      For example, there are three different verbs used to refer to the same action "Choose plugins" "Install the set of plugins" and "Select from a"

      I'll submit a pull request shortly making these more consistent

        1. jenkins2_customize_strings_2.png
          89 kB
          R. Tyler Croy
        2. jenkins2_customize_strings_3.png
          90 kB
          R. Tyler Croy
        3. jenkins2_customize_strings.png
          88 kB
          R. Tyler Croy
        4. plugin-setup.png
          82 kB
          R. Tyler Croy

            rtyler R. Tyler Croy
            rtyler R. Tyler Croy
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            3 Start watching this issue
