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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-34256

Preparing Jenkins For Shutdown Hangs Running Pipelines


    • workflow-cps 2.78

      Start a couple long-running pipelines with

      node {
      sleep 100

      Queue up a few more jobs. Go to "manage jenkins" and "prepare for shutdown."

      Now pipeline jobs that would finish and unenqueue never finish and have to manually be killed (which does work). Freestyle jobs complete normally. Queued jobs aren't run, so that part of prepare-for-shutdown works.

      Even stranger: upon killing and restarting with Ctrl+C, we get this lovely conundrum:

      Those pipeline builds won't show up in the build queue on the main screen.

      Checks to do:

      • Regression in core?
      • Regression in pipeline?
      • does /safeRestart or /restart trigger it?

            dnusbaum Devin Nusbaum
            svanoort Sam Van Oort
            44 Vote for this issue
            70 Start watching this issue
