Dear All,
First of all, have a nice new year !
I have another comment about the Robot Publisher. If it sets the build as unstable, the entire build is shown as unstable, which is the awaited situtation.
But, when looking at the stages, be it on classical or blue ocean interface, all stages appear as unstable.
For many users, this is really annoying, because they would like to more easily determine at first glance if a stage is OK or not.
Indeed, it would , not only be cosmetic, but actually much more user friendly and I would say offer better ergonomics, if the stages were let green (and tagged as Passed) unless the one where publisher is used. Or for the best (but I guess it is a bit more complex as it could need addtional confugration items) the step where robot tests are actually run.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards
bassam_khouri we do not have ETAs as we are maintaining this plugin alongside our full-day jobs. This is definitely on our radar, as it is annoyance to us as well.