Resolution: Fixed
1.0-m12, 1.0-pre-beta-1
In Scope
- Change authentication so that it works via JWT only
- Remove authentication via cookie
- Ensure that the frontend continues to work when JWT is enabled (You may need to open another ticket to get help from the frontend team)
- Solution should be cURL friendly
- blocks
JENKINS-36851 Favourite stars should be hidden for the anonymous user
- Closed
JENKINS-36852 Dashboard should use JWT to find the authenticated user
- Resolved
- is blocked by
JENKINS-37714 js-builder bundle transform not taking dedupe into account when translating fullPaths to Ids
- Closed
well, the browser automatically sends the header in csrf. Which isnt true for JWT or Bearer. But we specifically require application/json header on the rest api to protect agaist csrf,
Not that I am against JWT exactly, its just not as curl friendly i think? if it is curl friendly ignore me.