Resolution: Done
[GSoC] Sprint 1
Rename the packages and classes in the Run Selector plugin.
The following changes should be made:
- rename the root package to org.jenkinsci.plugins.runselector
- rename the BuildSelector to RunSelector (as well as all of its implementations and parameter names)
- rename the BuildFilter to RunFilter (as well as all of its implementations and parameter names)
- move all RunSelector implementations under org.jenkinsci.plugins.runselector.selectors package
- move all RunFIlter implementations under org.jenkinsci.plugins.runselector.filters package
- rename CopyArtifact*Context to RunSelector*Context
- blocks
JENKINS-35773 Backend PoC: extensibility and data retrieval
- Resolved
Done: https://github.com/jenkinsci/run-selector-plugin/pull/4