I have Generate the report. The execution is successful, But Report Generation Overall Coverage Summary is Everything is showing 0%. How can solve the issue.

      I have attached Rep.txt for your reference.

      I have attached the snapshot for your reference.

      Please find the attachments. 




        1. 2.png
          62 kB
        2. rep.txt
          820 kB

          [JENKINS-37168] Coverage Report

          Sean Flanigan added a comment -

          It looks like you're generating cobertura files, but running the jacoco jenkins plugin. You don't have any jacoco.exec files, so jacoco jenkins plugin thinks you have 0% coverage.

          Sean Flanigan added a comment - It looks like you're generating cobertura files, but running the jacoco jenkins plugin. You don't have any jacoco.exec files, so jacoco jenkins plugin thinks you have 0% coverage.

          Reopen if you reproduce. Agree with commenter's assessment that your project is creating JaCoCo output for coverage, not Cobertura (which is a different program/format).

          Michael Barrientos added a comment - Reopen if you reproduce. Agree with commenter's assessment that your project is creating JaCoCo output for coverage, not Cobertura (which is a different program/format).

            olivergondza Oliver Gondža
            shajansti shanavash m
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