Hi bakhru, alas I am a bit strapped for time this end of year. I might have some time for BioUno/Jenkins plug-ins around x-mas.
When I start to triage issues, I normally favour the ones that are easier to reproduce, debug, and fix. What would be helpful for this one to be done quickly, would be to have as much info as possible.
For example, a scenario including Jenkins version, other plugins (pipeline - which I am normally not using), imaging-plugin version, then a simple job that shows why it doesn't work. And, finally, a short explanation of how it should work.
Being able to foresee possible issues (e.g. workspace with pipelines, remote jobs, checkpoints with the plugin, etc etc) would be extra helpful 
I need to use this plugin but all my current jenkins jobs are pipeline jobs, without this ticket being resolved, can't use this awesome plugin.