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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-37998

Warning log "no flow execution found for pipelinejob #1"


      When testing pipeline's durability, I tried killing a sample running pipeline to see how it behaves.

      After killing forcefully the server, though there seems to me no problem from an UI standpoint, I saw the following log I thought I would report:

      WARNING: no flow execution found for pipelinejob #1

      How to reproduce:

      • run a brand new 2.7.3
      • install suggested plugins
      • create a pipeline job with the following script:
      // input normally returns a map, BUT returns directly the value if there's only one param
      def loopCount = input message: 'Continue? If so, how many iterations?', parameters: [string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'loopCount')]
      assert loopCount.isNumber() : "oh noes, beware JENKINS-34488"
      stage "looping"
      for ( int i=0 ; i< loopCount.toInteger() ; i++) {
          echo "$i"
          sleep 5
      • Run the pipeline
      • Answer the input, and put 10 for example
      • Kill -9 the master
      • Restart it
      • Refresh the console
      • See the pipeline finish correctly
      • Go back to the job page
      • See the message: WARNING: no flow execution found for pipelinejob #1
      • (sometimes seems to require two kills to trigger that, still trying to refine the reproduction case)


      Leaving as minor because as said above, the durability seems still to be working since the pipeline always does restart from where it left in my tests.

          [JENKINS-37998] Warning log "no flow execution found for pipelinejob #1"

            jglick Jesse Glick
            batmat Baptiste Mathus
            9 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue
