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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-39615

Global Pipeline Libraries triggers the 'poll SCM' of jobs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • linux rhel7.2
      jenkins 2.19.2
      up to date 'workflow' set of plugins (on stable update center)

      I have this situation where :

      • I have some jobs that gets sources from a SCM, and performs a 'poll SCM' hourly
      • I have a 'global pipeline lib' defined, on another SCM (doesn't matter really, what atters is it's not in the same source tree s the jobs)

      My issue is that any commit to the 'global pipeline lib' SCM will be detected by all the jobs that have a 'poll SCM' configured.

      I wish I can exclude the global lib from polling.

      (and yes, I know, polling is evil, whenever I can I have triggers configured on modern scm to push jobs, but sometimes it's just not possible, believe me you don't want to know all the why's)

        1. image-2017-03-23-18-16-01-313.png
          46 kB
          Mathieu LL
        2. scm_config.png
          57 kB
          Phil McArdle
        3. wa.png
          37 kB
          Julien Pivotto

            Unassigned Unassigned
            squalou squalou jenkins
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