New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Add post build management tools, this will allow for thresholding to determine if a build is flagges as passed, failed or unstable.
- Each alert severity (high, medium, low, info) will have a user specified value associated to it.
- There will be a threshold for each alert severity (high, medium, low, info), if the threshold for any if passed then the build can be flagged as failed or unstable.
- There will be a culmulative threshold which will be the sum of all alerts raised, if this is passed then the build can be flagged as failed or unstable.
This issue look interesting for me, i am looking how to implement it.
If i have understand what you want to do.
For example.
high -> 5 , medium ->3 , low ->1, info ->0
high -> 0 , medium ->15, low ->10, info ->0
When we run a scan, depending on the number of alerts in the report
we find the culmulative cost and for each level of alert.
we compare to the threshold and flagged the build as passed, failed or unstable.