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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-40991

No signature of method: groovy.util.Node.div()... error in configure block

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • job-dsl-plugin
    • None

      After upgrading to 1.56 the following code block started to throw errors

          mavenInstallation 'maven339'
          goals '-B -q dependency:resolve-plugins'
          configure { 
              it / injectBuildVariables << false 

      The error message is

      No signature of method: groovy.util.Node.div() 
      is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Boolean) values: [true]
      Possible solutions: is(java.lang.Object), wait(), find(), any(), dump(), wait(long)}}

      I can use the method added in JENKINS-40636 but the error message looks weird – why can't I use the configure block now?

          [JENKINS-40991] No signature of method: groovy.util.Node.div()... error in configure block

          Unfortunately this kind of problem arises from time to time when introducing new methods with the same name as the corresponding XML element. I'm have no idea how this can be fixed.

          Background: it has type groovy.util.Node and Node.div() is called when using the / operator on it. And Groovy is looking for variant with a boolean argument because injectBuildVariables resolves to the injectBuildVariables boolean field in the outer block which delegates to MavenContext.

          Daniel Spilker added a comment - Unfortunately this kind of problem arises from time to time when introducing new methods with the same name as the corresponding XML element. I'm have no idea how this can be fixed. Background: it has type groovy.util.Node and Node.div() is called when using the / operator on it . And Groovy is looking for variant with a boolean argument because injectBuildVariables resolves to the injectBuildVariables boolean field in the outer block which delegates to MavenContext .

          Sam Gleske added a comment -

          I solved this odd message by quoting the selector.  Example:

              mavenInstallation 'maven339'
              goals '-B -q dependency:resolve-plugins'
              configure { 
                  it / 'injectBuildVariables' << false 

          Sam Gleske added a comment - I solved this odd message by quoting the selector.  Example: maven{ mavenInstallation 'maven339' goals '-B -q dependency:resolve-plugins' configure { it / 'injectBuildVariables' << false } }

          Anthony Green added a comment - - edited

          I managed a work around to the / being interpreted as a div() command..

          def removeJvmOptions = { node ->

          Anthony Green added a comment - - edited I managed a work around to the / being interpreted as a div() command.. def removeJvmOptions = { node -> node.remove(node.get(jvmOptions) [0] ) }

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            jbochenski Jakub Bochenski
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