Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Windows 2012 R2, Latest release
I want to restart my Jenkins through one of the following Options:
- via http://servername:8080/restart
- Plugin Update
- Core Update
If i do so, my Jenkins won't restart. I see endlessly the following message: Jenkins is beeing restarted. Please wait (in German Jenkins wird neu gestartet. Bitte warten).
I checked all three logs, but only thing I see is:
2017-02-13 10:33:42 - Starting D:\Tools\Jenkins\jre\bin\java -Xrs -Xmx2048m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar "D:\Tools\Jenkins\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080 --webroot="D:\Tools\Jenkins\war" 2017-02-13 10:33:42 - Started 4908 Running from: D:\Tools\Jenkins\jenkins.war Jenkins home directory: D:\Tools\Jenkins found at: EnvVars.masterEnvVars.get("JENKINS_HOME") SCHWERWIEGEND: Restarting VM as requested by <username>
- We run on a Windows 2012 R2. Jenkins is installed as a service
- I saw already JENKINS-25208 and
JENKINS-22685 - We use latest available stable release.
- We have some plugins (latest Versions)
- I tried to restart without any Plugin, but got same error (no error ).
- Our Plugins:
- ace-editor
- active-directory
- ant
- antisamy-markup-formatter
- bouncycastle-api
- branch-api
- build-monitor-plugin
- build-timeout
- cloudbees-folder
- credentials
- credentials-binding
- cvs
- display-url-api
- durable-task
- email-ext
- extended-choice-parameter
- external-monitor-job
- git
- git-client
- github
- github-api
- github-branch-source
- github-organization-folder
- git-server
- gradle
- handlebars
- icon-shim
- javadoc
- jobConfigHistory
- jquery
- jquery-detached
- junit
- ldap
- ldapemail
- mailer
- mapdb-api
- matrix-auth
- matrix-project
- maven-plugin
- momentjs
- monitoring
- pam-auth
- pipeline-build-step
- pipeline-graph-analysis
- pipeline-input-step
- pipeline-milestone-step
- pipeline-rest-api
- pipeline-stage-step
- pipeline-stage-view
- plain-credentials
- publish-over-ssh
- resource-disposer
- role-strategy
- scm-api
- script-security
- ssh-credentials
- ssh-slaves
- structs
- subversion
- svnpublisher
- timestamper
- token-macro
- windows-slaves
- workflow-aggregator
- workflow-api
- workflow-basic-steps
- workflow-cps
- workflow-cps-global-lib
- workflow-durable-task-step
- workflow-job
- workflow-multibranch
- workflow-scm-step
- workflow-step-api
- workflow-support
- ws-cleanup\
I always can restart Jenkins using Windows Service Manager without Problem.