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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-42744

Environment variables on Windows are all lowercase since 2.50

      Since updating to Jenkins 2.50 ANT builds that use environment variables fail on windows slaves because lots of environment variables are now all lowercase.

      Using environment variables in ANT is case sensitive.

      Variables that come from the system are all lowercase (COMPUTERNAME, Path, SystemDrive, SERVICE_ID, ...) and variables that come from Jenkins are as usual (NODE_NAME, BUILD_ID, ...).

      SERVICE_ID is interesting because it is not set on the system, used to be all uppercase is now also all lowercase.

       SSH Slaves are not affected. Windows slaves use Java Web Start and jenkins-slave.exe as a service.

      Researching I found this which may be related:


          [JENKINS-42744] Environment variables on Windows are all lowercase since 2.50

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Oleg Nenashev
          JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Oleg Nenashev Path: CHANGELOG.md pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/windows-slave-installer-module/c614cddeac014ec409f326740f1135f85335eed7 Log: JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - Windows agent installer PR: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/pull/11

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Oleg Nenashev
          Merge pull request #11 from jenkinsci/winsw/update-2.0.3

          JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/compare/3168a2497cdc...4a04d4b2b892

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Oleg Nenashev Path: CHANGELOG.md pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/windows-slave-installer-module/4a04d4b2b89236fbcaa3347066804d3673ed8ecf Log: Merge pull request #11 from jenkinsci/winsw/update-2.0.3 JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3 Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/compare/3168a2497cdc...4a04d4b2b892

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Oleg Nenashev
          JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3 and Windows Agent installer to 1.8

          This PR updates WinSW to 2.0.3 in order to fix JENKINS-42744(https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-42744), which is reported as a critical regression in Jenkins 2.50.

          Changelog: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#203

          Full diff: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/compare/winsw-2.0.2...winsw-2.0.3

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Oleg Nenashev Path: core/pom.xml war/pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/04e2d33c60f075e133304db2f2e71e037cd5ef9d Log: JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3 and Windows Agent installer to 1.8 This PR updates WinSW to 2.0.3 in order to fix JENKINS-42744 ( https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-42744 ), which is reported as a critical regression in Jenkins 2.50. Changelog: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#203 Full diff: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/compare/winsw-2.0.2...winsw-2.0.3

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Oleg Nenashev
          Merge pull request #2826 from oleg-nenashev/windows-slave-installer/1.8

          JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3 and Windows Agent installer t0 1.8

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/bde09f70afaf...78c5fbcd94cd

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Oleg Nenashev Path: core/pom.xml war/pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/78c5fbcd94cd9a60dd4a9b8a3f71a4239783c9ba Log: Merge pull request #2826 from oleg-nenashev/windows-slave-installer/1.8 JENKINS-42744 - Update WinSW to 2.0.3 and Windows Agent installer t0 1.8 Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/bde09f70afaf...78c5fbcd94cd

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          The fix has been integrated towards 2.53

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - The fix has been integrated towards 2.53

          Great, I'm looking forward to test it soon. Thank you

          Niels Kristian Jensen added a comment - Great, I'm looking forward to test it soon. Thank you

          Jesper Jensen added a comment -

          Would it be possible to make a guide on how to upgrade both master and windows slaves with this change, somewhat pain less. E.G. where do I find the jenkins-slave.exe and the jenkins.exe so that I can copy them to the correct places?

          Jesper Jensen added a comment - Would it be possible to make a guide on how to upgrade both master and windows slaves with this change, somewhat pain less. E.G. where do I find the jenkins-slave.exe and the jenkins.exe so that I can copy them to the correct places?

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - jesperjensen https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module#upgrading-old-agents I will link it in the changelog

          The problem has been fixed at least since 2.61

          Niels Kristian Jensen added a comment - The problem has been fixed at least since 2.61

            oleg_nenashev Oleg Nenashev
            cobexer Ing. Christoph Obexer
            4 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
