• Blue Ocean 1.4 - beta 2

      Please pull in the changes made to the SCM API to reduce the number of checkouts required for pipelines. Related to JENKINS-33273


      There was a mention in the referenced issue about PRs needing special treatment: "there is no implementation currently for github-branch-source-plugin in the case of a PR job configured to merge with the base branch, as GitHub does not offer an API dedicated to this purpose. In the case that the merge can be assumed to be a fast-forward (there is no base branch change subsequent to the common ancestor), this plugin could in principle load content via API from the PR branch; it would still need to fall back to full checkout and Git merge otherwise." - https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-33273?focusedCommentId=292273#comment-292273

          [JENKINS-43194] Lightweight checkout for PR merge jobs

            bitwiseman Liam Newman
            maxpowa Max Gurela
            11 Vote for this issue
            21 Start watching this issue
