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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-45480

GIT Build with Parameters is not listing branches


      We have a job and it is configured as "Build with Parameters".
      We have chosen "GIT Parameter" when we try to list "Branches/tags" while click build option it is not listing instead showing error message.
      But when we try build job able to clone with SSH keys:

      Command "git ls-remote -h ssh://server.de.xyz.com:7999/xdk/xdk110.git" returned status code 128:
      stderr: error: cannot run ssh: No such file or directory
      fatal: unable to fork

      We were using:

      • Jenkins LTS version "2.46.2"
      • Git plugin -->3.3.1
      • Git client plugin --->2.4.6
      • Git Parameter Plug-In--->0.8.0

        1. Windows_slave_configuration.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        2. Job_Test_B.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        3. Job_test_B_output.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        4. Job_Test_2B.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        5. Job_Test_2B_out.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        6. image-2019-03-06-11-03-41-468.png
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          Robson Hermes
        7. image-2019-03-06-09-41-20-264.png
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          Robson Hermes
        8. image-2017-11-20-08-59-44-472.png
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          Marcel Dutt
        9. github_key_add.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        10. few_builds.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        11. Credentional_configuration.png
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          Boguslaw Klimas
        12. config-windows-flyweight.xml
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          Mark Waite
        13. config-no-flyweight.xml
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          Mark Waite
        14. chrome_2019-02-20_18-41-40.png
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        15. chrome_2019-02-20_18-34-30.png
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          delo delo
        16. chrome_2019-02-20_18-34-30.png
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            klimas7 Boguslaw Klimas
            spalani Senthilkumar Palanisamy
            3 Vote for this issue
            14 Start watching this issue
