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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-46067

Pipeline task scheduled on uninitialized node


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None

      One of our nodes disconnected due to a channel disconnect. Meanwhile a pipeline job was running, and as soon as it reconnected, Jenkins tried to schedule a task on the node, which failed with the error:



      ERROR: Issue with creating launcher for agent <nodename>. The agent has not been fully initialized yet

      ERROR: Issue with creating launcher for agent <nodename>. The agent has not been fully initialized yet



      I have attached the console output from the agent.

        1. slave.log.1
          8 kB
          Federico Naum
        2. jenkins.master.trimmed.log
          25 kB
          Federico Naum
        3. catalina_738.log
          65 kB
          John Lengeling
        4. agentconsole.log
          7 kB
          Ben Hines
        5. 2xlarge-738_node.log
          78 kB
          John Lengeling

            Unassigned Unassigned
            benh57 Ben Hines
            35 Vote for this issue
            47 Start watching this issue
