Resolution: Not A Defect
- Core 2.76
- Ubuntu 15.04
- Pipeline plugins:
- pipeline-graph-analysis 1.5
- pipeline-rest-api 2.8 (2.9)
- pipeline-model-definition 1.2-beta-4
- pipeline-model-api 1.2-beta-4
- pipeline-stage-view 2.8 (2.9)
- blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.2.0
- pipeline-input-step 2.8
- blueocean-github-pipeline 1.2.0
- pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.2-beta-4
- pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1
- pipeline-model-extensions 1.2-beta-4
- blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.2.0
- blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.2.0
- pipeline-stage-step 2.2
- pipeline-build-step 2.5.1
- blueocean-git-pipeline 1.2.0
- blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.2.0
- pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1
- pipeline-github-lib 1.0
- OS: Amazon Linux AMI VERSION="2017.03"
- Java: openjdk version "1.8.0_141"
- Fedora Workstation 26
- Google Chrome 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)Jenkins: - Core 2.76 - Ubuntu 15.04 - Pipeline plugins: - pipeline-graph-analysis 1.5 - pipeline-rest-api 2.8 (2.9) - pipeline-model-definition 1.2-beta-4 - pipeline-model-api 1.2-beta-4 - pipeline-stage-view 2.8 (2.9) - blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.2.0 - pipeline-input-step 2.8 - blueocean-github-pipeline 1.2.0 - pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.2-beta-4 - pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 - pipeline-model-extensions 1.2-beta-4 - blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.2.0 - blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.2.0 - pipeline-stage-step 2.2 - pipeline-build-step 2.5.1 - blueocean-git-pipeline 1.2.0 - blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.2.0 - pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 - pipeline-github-lib 1.0 Agent: - OS: Amazon Linux AMI VERSION="2017.03" - Java: openjdk version "1.8.0_141" Client: - Fedora Workstation 26 - Google Chrome 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Declarative - 1.2
Given a Declarative Pipeline with a boolean parameter, which has a default setting of true, one might use this boolean to conditionally execute, or not execute, a particular stage. The syntax I've used to do this is similar to that shown in JENKINS-44298. It appears that changing this boolean at runtime, via the Jenkins UI, has no effect on whether or not the stage gets run.
I'm working under the assumption that, a boolean parameter set up in the parameters
} condition written like this:
when { expression { return TRUE_OR_FALSE } }
is a valid way of deciding whether or not a stage gets run. Here, if TRUE_OR_FALSE is set to `true`, it'll run. If it's set to false, it won't. Similarly, if it were written like this:
when { expression { return !TRUE_OR_FALSE } }
The stage only gets run if TRUE_OR_FALSE is set to `false`.
I found this approach while working on issue JENKINS-44298.
Steps to recreate:
1. Create a new Pipeline job on your Jenkins, and use this as its code:
pipeline { agent any parameters { // Default value here is true. booleanParam(name: 'TRUE_OR_FALSE', defaultValue: true, description: 'This boolean defaults to true!') } stages { stage('parallel-1') { when { expression { // Given our default value is true, this should // run if I don't change the parameter from its // default value of true, to false. return TRUE_OR_FALSE } } steps { echo "MUST BE TRUE" } // end of steps } // end of stage } // end stages }
2. Run this Pipeline by clicking "Build" on the left. The first time you do so, it'll fail anyway, because of a different bug that I'll look for / open separately. Nevermind that for now.
3. Do a full page refresh in the UI, and the "Build" link has changed to "Build with parameters." Click this link, and leave the defaults. The boolean will be defaulted to True:
Go ahead and run it this way, and it'll run correctly.
4. Now, run it again, this time changing the parameter to false:
5. The stage will still run, as if you had not set the parameter to false.
So my guess here is that the parameter is actually getting represented as a String rather than a boolean here - which is not ideal. I'll need to test that further to be sure, but I'd guess that if you did return TRUE_OR_FALSE == "true", it'd work. I'll determine if this is a bug in Declarative's handling or deeper in the stack.