The nodejs command does not appear between available steps supported by BluOcean plugin.
That I can see actually BluOcean support the following steps (Jenkins 2.60.3 and BluOcean 1.2.0):
- Shell Script
- Print Message
- Enforce time limit
- Retry the body up to N times
- Sleep
- Windows Batch Script
- Archive the artifacts
- Allocate node
- Allocate workspace
- Bind credentials to variables
- Build a job
- Catch error and set build result
- Change current directory
- Checks if running on a Unix-like node
- Determine current directory
- Error signal
- Evaluate a Groovy source file into the Pipeline script
- Expand a string containing macros
- General Build Step
- General Build Wrapper
- General SCM
- Git
- JIRA: Add a comment to issue(s)
- JIRA: Issue selector
- JIRA: Search issues
- Load a resource file from a shared library
- Load a shared library on the fly
- Mail
- PowerShell Script
- Publish HTML reports
- Publish JUnit test result report
- Read file from workspace
- Read trusted file from SCM
- Record fingerprints of files to track usage
- Recursively delete the current directory from the workspace
- Resolves an SCM from an SCM Source and a list of candidate target branch names
- Restore files previously stashed
- Run arbitrary Pipeline script
- Set environment variables
- Stash some files to be used later in the build
- Subversion
- The milestone step forces all builds to go through in order
- Use a tool from a predefined Tool Installation
- Validate a file containing a Declarative Pipeline
- Verify if file exists in workspace
- Wait for condition
- Wait for interactive input
- Write file to workspace
If you want be sure that BlueOcean theme works with your job create the pipeline using wizard.
The nodejs command does not appear between available steps supported by BluOcean plugin.
That I can see actually BluOcean support the following steps (Jenkins 2.60.3 and BluOcean 1.2.0):
If you want be sure that BlueOcean theme works with your job create the pipeline using wizard.