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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-48690

TriggerScript with only RunScript permission => everything becomes blank

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • scriptler-plugin
    • None

      To validate the regular / expected behavior, log in with a user with Overall/Administer right. Go to /scriptler and create a script. In the list, click on the icon to run the script.
      You will have a view to edit the script and modify it. Just run it, you will see the result and the script (modification applied if any).
      Enable the permission "Allow execution by user with runScripts permission" on that script.

      Now, to reproduce the problem I encountered: log in with a user with only Overall/RunScripts right. Go to the /scriptler page, try to run the script. What I received as result: the content of the script is empty and the result is nothing except "[(master)]: "

        1. admin_after_run.png
          42 kB
        2. admin_view.png
          55 kB
        3. scriptRunner_after_run.png
          46 kB
        4. scriptRunner_view.png
          46 kB

          [JENKINS-48690] TriggerScript with only RunScript permission => everything becomes blank

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            domi Dominik Bartholdi
            wfollonier Wadeck Follonier
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            1 Start watching this issue
