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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-49507

Jenkins Branch Source Plugin Can't Choose Node/Slave


      We've discovered a problem involving the use of the github branch source plugin and the nomad cloud plugin.


      We want to be in a situation where no builds are running on the Jenkins master and all are using nomad slaves.


      Other job types, say freestyle allow to "Restrict where this project can be run" and we specify the name of our Nomad cloud. However there is no option to do that for our Github Organization. When we start a job and there are no cloud slaves running it will sit waiting for an executor until a different job type runs, which starts up a cloud and then the github job jumps on the slave after the original job. It can't create slaves of its own.


      We plan to primarily use the github branch source (organization) so this presents us with a significant problem.

            iverberk Ivo Verberk
            fferguson6 Fred Ferguson
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            2 Start watching this issue
