New Feature
Resolution: Duplicate
I would like to be able to easily run the same steps across multiple nodes using the declarative pipeline and a shared library. This does not currently seem to be possible since only custom steps can be created in shared libraries.
Example jenkinsfile:
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build everywhere') { runOnAllPlatforms { sh 'doing build things' } } } }
Example shared library vars/runOnAllPlatforms.groovy:
def call(Closure body) { parallel { stage('RHEL') { agent { node { label 'rhel7' } } steps { body() } stage('Apple') { agent { node { label 'apple' } } steps { body() } steps { body() } } }
- duplicates
JENKINS-40986 Matrix structure for Declarative Pipeline
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-49984 Ability to factor out multiple stages into shared libraries
- Closed