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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-50871

Filter git branch source Pull Requests by description

      At this time, you are able to specify which branches to be built in a Github Organization folder.

      You do this by specifying a 'Filter branch name by Wildcard' or 'Filter branch name by Regex'.

      With regard to Pull Requests, this is not really the pull request "name" but rather a pull request number.

      For example, "PR-100" is the 'name' Jenkins see's, where the "name" of the PR in github is something like "Update README.md Unit Test Details". This PR-100 branch, is actually merging a branch "updateReadmeUnitTestDetails" into "master".  The only file changed is README.md, so I really don't want a PR to run.

      Therefore, this "name" a little confusing. Users cannot control the "ref spec / branch name" github assigns PRs.  It's simply PR-#. But users can control the "github PR name" and "pull request description"

      Because of this, it would be nice if we could add an option to "Filter by Github PR Name" or "Filter by Github PR Description", this way we can make the github PR name something like "Update README.md Unit Test Details - DONOTBUILD".

      Another approach would be to filter by "compare branch", that is the branch that a PR is merging. The source branch. In my example above, this is "updateReadmeUnitTestDetails".   If we filter by "compare branch", I could skip building by naming the branch "updateReadmeUnitTestdetailsDONOTBUILD" before I make a PR.

          [JENKINS-50871] Filter git branch source Pull Requests by description

          Rich added a comment -

          tayloryork were you able to find a solution for this ? I am facing similar issue, where I do not want certain Pull Requests to be built, may be the ones that have a word "automated" in title or description. Cannot find a way to make it work.

          Rich added a comment - tayloryork  were you able to find a solution for this ? I am facing similar issue, where I do not want certain Pull Requests to be built, may be the ones that have a word "automated" in title or description. Cannot find a way to make it work.

            kohsuke Kohsuke Kawaguchi
            tayloryork Taylor York
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