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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-51111

Navigating to downstream job via Blue Ocean Triggered Builds does not show tests in Tests tab


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • blueocean-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.117
      Blue Ocean 1.5
    • 1.14.0

      Steps to reproduce using two jobs:

      • First job: triggers the second job (wait = true)
      • Second job: record unit tests
      • Open Blue Ocean from the first job, click Triggered Builds to access the second job
      • The Tests tab will say no results are recorded
      • Exit Blue Ocean, and access it again from the second job
      • The Tests tab will show results

      I noticed this happening both while the job was running and complete.

        1. screenshot-okay.png
          42 kB
          Reinhold Füreder
        2. screenshot-bug.png
          28 kB
          Reinhold Füreder
        3. 04_Job2_Direct.png
          23 kB
          Roger Wooley
        4. 01_Job1.png
          74 kB
          Roger Wooley
        5. 03_Job2_Tests_Via_Job1.png
          32 kB
          Roger Wooley
        6. 05_Job2_Tests.png
          26 kB
          Roger Wooley
        7. 06_Job2_Tests.png
          33 kB
          Roger Wooley
        8. 02_Job2.png
          31 kB
          Roger Wooley

            sophistifunk Josh McDonald
            woolzer Roger Wooley
            2 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
