Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins core at least 2.73.x LTS
Github Branch source 2.3.0
Something happened within the update of Github branch source plugin 2.3.0 update when combined with the update to Jenkins core 2.73.x where when you have a branch with a # character in the name it will not be able to find the branch name.
Steps to recreate:
- Create a shared library with a branch name "Branch#Test"
- Attach that shared library to a Jenkins instance as a global library using the github modern SCM
- Create a job which loads the branch by doing @Library(SharedLibrary@Branch#Test)
- observe the job fails with
No version Branch#Test found for library GithubLibrary
This issue only happens when you update the github branch source plugin to newer than 2.3.0 and have a current version of core(from my testing) which means something in the 2.3.0 release changed this behavior.
Let me know if I can provide more information