• Declarative backlog

      This issue is based on JENKINS-45455 which solves the issue of restarting a Jenkins Pipeline from Top-Level stages.

      When building on multiple platforms, the builds are usually ran in parallel. We should be able to replay the build of a single platform. (e.g. if the Win64 build fails, we do not want to retrigger the already successful Macos and Linux builds)
      In a multiplatform build pipeline, the steps taking the most time are the "build" steps themselves and they are running in parallel to get fast build times. Restarting from a top level in that context boils down to re-running the whole job.

      Use cases

      • Restarting a Jenkins Pipeline from a sub-stage or parallel stage
      • Given the following graph, we should be able to replay from any stage (e.g. Build-Win64, Test-MacOs, Deploy) :
        Build-Win64 -> Test-Win64 -| 
        Build-Win32 -> Test-Win32 -|-> Deploy
        Build-MacOS -> Test-MacOS -|
        Build-Linux -> Test-Linux -|


          [JENKINS-52391] Restarting Parallel Stages

          Frank Genois created issue -
          Frank Genois made changes -
          Epic Link New: JENKINS-48356 [ 186951 ]
          Frank Genois made changes -
          Summary Original: Restarting Parallel Stagesw New: Restarting Parallel Stages
          Frank Genois made changes -
          Link New: This issue is related to JENKINS-45455 [ JENKINS-45455 ]
          Andrew Bayer made changes -
          Labels New: stage-restart-improvements
          Andrew Bayer made changes -
          Sprint New: Declarative backlog [ 621 ]
          Jose Blas Camacho Taboada made changes -
          Assignee Original: Andrew Bayer [ abayer ] New: Jose Blas Camacho Taboada [ jtaboada ]
          Jose Blas Camacho Taboada made changes -
          Assignee Original: Jose Blas Camacho Taboada [ jtaboada ] New: Andrew Bayer [ abayer ]

          Adam Kapos added a comment -

          We'd love to see support for this. Are there any known workarounds that would allow us to make this work, other than creating a separate pipeline for each parallel branch?

          Adam Kapos added a comment - We'd love to see support for this. Are there any known workarounds that would allow us to make this work, other than creating a separate pipeline for each parallel branch?

          Gabriel Herisanu added a comment - - edited

          You can use something like this:

          def withCheck(String blockName, Closure closure) {
              script {
                  def buildStage = true
                  catchError(message: 'check previous build status', stageResult:'SUCCESS', buildResult: 'SUCCESS') {
                      unstash name:"${blockName}"
                      buildStage = false
                  if (buildStage) {
                      writeFile file: "${blockName}", text: "1"
                      stash name: "${blockName}", includes: "${blockName}"
          pipeline {
              agent none
              options {
              stages {
                  stage("Build and test") {
                      parallel() {
                          stage("Build/Test Win64") {
                              agent {
                                  label 'master'
                              steps {
                                  withCheck("build-deploy-Win64") {
                                      echo "test"
                                  withCheck("test-Win64") {
                                      echo "test"
                          stage("Build/Test Win32") {
                              agent {
                                  label 'master'
                              steps {
                                  withCheck("build-deploy-Win32") {
                                      echo "test"
                                  withCheck("test-Win32") {
                                      echo "test"
                  stage("Deploy") {
                      agent {
                          label 'master'
                      steps {
                          withCheck("build-deploy-win64") {
                              echo "test"
                          withCheck("test-win64") {
                              echo "test"


          Gabriel Herisanu added a comment - - edited You can use something like this: #!groovy def withCheck( String blockName, Closure closure) { script { def buildStage = true catchError(message: 'check previous build status' , stageResult: 'SUCCESS' , buildResult: 'SUCCESS' ) { unstash name: "${blockName}" buildStage = false } if (buildStage) { closure.call() writeFile file: "${blockName}" , text: "1" stash name: "${blockName}" , includes: "${blockName}" } } } pipeline { agent none options { preserveStashes() } stages { stage( "Build and test" ) { parallel() { stage( "Build/Test Win64" ) { agent { label 'master' } steps { withCheck( "build-deploy-Win64" ) { echo "test" } withCheck( "test-Win64" ) { echo "test" } } } stage( "Build/Test Win32" ) { agent { label 'master' } steps { withCheck( "build-deploy-Win32" ) { echo "test" } withCheck( "test-Win32" ) { echo "test" } } } } } stage( "Deploy" ) { agent { label 'master' } steps { withCheck( "build-deploy-win64" ) { echo "test" } withCheck( "test-win64" ) { echo "test" } } } } }  

            Unassigned Unassigned
            franknarf8_ni Frank Genois
            52 Vote for this issue
            38 Start watching this issue
