New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins v2.129 Jira-trigger v0.63 Jira v7.5.2
We've added a webhook in Jira triggered by Comment Created and Issue updated, with the following SWL query:
project in ("Integrated Interior Platform","OIP 2.0","SSW Core") and issuetype in (Story,Task)
As the transition we're interested to use, Working to Verifying, has a custom event, StorytoWorking, we added a post function on it, to send also the event to the Hook, so this appears now in the webhook:
TransitionsVerifying of IIP Story Workflow W/o Delivered
In Jenkins, once the transition is done, I can see the event in logs:
Jul 24, 2018 10:52:58 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook Webhook event body: Jul 24, 2018 10:52:58 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook { "transition": { "workflowId": 924280, "workflowName": "IIP Story Workflow W/o Delivered", "transitionId": 31, "transitionName": "Verifying", "from_status": "Working", "to_status": "Verifying"*strong text*
but the job isn't triggered. If I repeat the transition, I see comment_created, the second time, instead of issue_updated:
Jul 24, 2018 10:55:52 AM FINE com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook Received Webhook callback from comment. Event type: comment_created Jul 24, 2018 10:56:08 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook Webhook event body: Jul 24, 2018 10:56:08 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook { "transition": { "workflowId": 924280, "workflowName": "IIP Story Workflow W/o Delivered", "transitionId": 31, "transitionName": "Verifying", "from_status": "Working", "to_status": "Verifying" },
I've added the setup from Jira and Jenkins. Can you help?
PS: By comment the job can be triggered.
Thank you.
This feature is not supported yet. At the moment the plugin is listening only to "changelog" webhook event, and it should look similar to this structure.