Resolution: Duplicate
Includes custom user fields from archived attachments results from a Jenkinsfile
AS a user that consumes the plugin through a jenkinsfile pipeline
I NEED to be able to include custom user fields in said pipeline
TO be loaded into the tool for the different entities, test and testcase
Modify example JENKINS-52753 to include the fields
testSetFields: [ 'user-01': 'VALUE', 'user-02': 'VALUE'], //List user-fields associate with testSet
testCaseFields: [ 'user-3': 'VALUE', 'user-04': 'VALUE']
// EXAMPLE post { always { junit testResults: '**/target/*-reports/TEST-*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true step ([$class: 'TestResultToALMUploader', almServerName: 'HP ALM Isban', credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS', almDomain: 'DOMAIN_ALM', almProject: 'ALM_PROJECT', testingFramework: 'JUnit', testingTool: '', //testingTool almTestFolder: 'Demo HP TEST ALM', almTestSetFolder: 'Demo HP TEST ALM', almTimeout: '-1', testingResultFile: "**/junitResult.xml", jenkinsServerUrl: '', testSetFields: [ 'user-01': 'VALUE', 'user-02': 'VALUE'], //List user-fields associate with testSet testCaseFields: [ 'user-3': 'VALUE', 'user-04': 'VALUE'] //List user-fields associate with testcase ) } }
- links to
You can look at this