Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins: 2.154
Google Compute Engine Plugin: 1.0.6
I've created slave VM image with Packer and configured GCP cloud in Jenkins settings according to this guide.
When I start job requiring "windows" agent Jenkins starts to provision agents in a loop about every minute until I notice 10+ new agents and cancel the build.
I've attached one "iteration" of "provision loop", which seems to indicate that Jenkins doesn't honor 300 second launch timeout and prematurely gives up on agent and starts to provision next one.
Going through the logs, this is what stands out to me:
It seems we are having issues with your private key credentials. The only time I've had a similar issue to yours was during integration testing when the credentials created weren't properly registered in the system. Can you verify that you have the ssh credentials[ plugin |https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/SSH+Credentials+Plugin] installed and that you created credentials using this plugin? Otherwise, did you create a username and password credential? One of these must be selected under Configure.