New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
In JEP-211 we introduced support of testing against Java 11 for the Maven Flow. It was explicitly agreed that the Gradle flow is out of the scope for this JEP. But it would be great to get it updated, because some plugins (Gradle, JobDSL) depend on the Gradle flow.
Thanks for the report oleg_nenashev! The good news is this plugin itself already supports Java 11.
Gradle 5.0 is the first Gradle release that supports running on Java 11. gradle-jpi-plugin v0.28.1 was released on November 26 with Gradle 5.0 support. Its own build runs successfully with Java 11.
The mentioned plugin repositories are on much older versions of gradle:
Once the plugins are upgraded to >= Gradle 5.0 and the gradle-jpi-plugin is >= 0.28.1, they should be all set. Gradle provides a migration guide to help with that effort. Feel free to open another issue with the specific error if something comes up.