Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.164
When the master goes out of disk space, it is put offline by the hudson.node_monitors.AbstractDiskSpaceMonitor system.
The message has a blank where the node name should be:
Putting back online as there is enough disk space again
I think this is just because c.getName() returns an empty string in https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/9d61a9a13171c94e55779d166d81599cdd0f9cb7/core/src/main/java/hudson/node_monitors/AbstractDiskSpaceMonitor.java#L43-L71.
Acceptance criteria
- This should show master instead of a space as the node name, i.e.
Putting back master online as there is enough disk space
nisarg14 are you on Windows or Linux?
On Linux, the usual way for this is simply to use fallocate or dd, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/5688625/345845.
On Windows, the simplest low-tech way I did that in the past is the following:
Or maybe try https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20150710-00/?p=45171 but didn't try it myself.