I think I'm running into the same issue here. The following problem occur with the warnings-ng-plugin:
I'm building our documentation through a pipeline script and I get a doxygen generated log named "doxygen-warnings.log". In Jenkinsfile I've configured to look for
recordIssues filters: [excludeMessage('.*warning: no uniquely matching class member found for*.'), excludeFile('.*\\/BLABLA\\/.*|.*\\/BLABLA\\/.*|.*\\/STM32F4xx\\/.*')], tools: [doxygen(pattern: 'doxygen-warnings.log')]
I used the "Pipeline Syntax Generator" for this line. Unfortunatelly, the Plugin does not find anything. Even when I search some parts of the message in the plugin when viewing the summary.
The output of doxygen which I want to filter looks like this:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Documentation_SCM/Src/HAL_PCBA/Conf/com_conf.cpp:13: warning: no uniquely matching class member found for
template <>
template <>
const hal_pcba::Uart1::SingleConfig Uart1::configuration(hal_uc::Uart::Baudrate::BAUD_38400, hal_uc::Uart::WordLength::LEN_9, hal_uc::Uart::StopBits::BIT_1, hal_uc::Uart::Parity::EVEN, hal_uc::Uart::Mode::TX_RX, hal_uc::Uart::FlowControl::NONE, hal_uc::Uart::Oversampling::X16)
/home/jenkins/workspace/Documentation_SCM/Src/HAL_PCBA/Conf/com_conf.cpp:27: warning: no uniquely matching class member found for
template <>
template <>
const hal_pcba::UartRxPin::SingleConfig hal_pcba::UartRxPin::configuration(hal_uc::Uart::Pin::IoMode::ALTERNATIVE_PP, hal_pcba::UartInstance)
/home/jenkins/workspace/Documentation_SCM/Src/HAL_PCBA/Conf/com_conf.cpp:35: warning: no uniquely matching class member found for
template <>
template <>
const hal_pcba::UartTxPin::SingleConfig hal_pcba::UartTxPin::configuration(hal_uc::Uart::Pin::IoMode::ALTERNATIVE_PP, hal_pcba::UartInstance)
When I test my RegEx at https://regex101.com/ I get the right results. Do I need any special RegEx Magic? Is this a known Bug?
Kind regards
I think I'm running into the same issue here. The following problem occur with the warnings-ng-plugin:
I'm building our documentation through a pipeline script and I get a doxygen generated log named "doxygen-warnings.log". In Jenkinsfile I've configured to look for
recordIssues filters: [excludeMessage('.*warning: no uniquely matching class member found for*.'), excludeFile('.*\\/BLABLA\\/.*|.*\\/BLABLA\\/.*|.*\\/STM32F4xx\\/.*')], tools: [doxygen(pattern: 'doxygen-warnings.log')]
I used the "Pipeline Syntax Generator" for this line. Unfortunatelly, the Plugin does not find anything. Even when I search some parts of the message in the plugin when viewing the summary.
The output of doxygen which I want to filter looks like this:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Documentation_SCM/Src/HAL_PCBA/Conf/com_conf.cpp:13: warning: no uniquely matching class member found for
template <>
template <>
const hal_pcba::Uart1::SingleConfig Uart1::configuration(hal_uc::Uart::Baudrate::BAUD_38400, hal_uc::Uart::WordLength::LEN_9, hal_uc::Uart::StopBits::BIT_1, hal_uc::Uart::Parity::EVEN, hal_uc::Uart::Mode::TX_RX, hal_uc::Uart::FlowControl::NONE, hal_uc::Uart::Oversampling::X16)
/home/jenkins/workspace/Documentation_SCM/Src/HAL_PCBA/Conf/com_conf.cpp:27: warning: no uniquely matching class member found for
template <>
template <>
const hal_pcba::UartRxPin::SingleConfig hal_pcba::UartRxPin::configuration(hal_uc::Uart::Pin::IoMode::ALTERNATIVE_PP, hal_pcba::UartInstance)
/home/jenkins/workspace/Documentation_SCM/Src/HAL_PCBA/Conf/com_conf.cpp:35: warning: no uniquely matching class member found for
template <>
template <>
const hal_pcba::UartTxPin::SingleConfig hal_pcba::UartTxPin::configuration(hal_uc::Uart::Pin::IoMode::ALTERNATIVE_PP, hal_pcba::UartInstance)
When I test my RegEx at https://regex101.com/ I get the right results. Do I need any special RegEx Magic? Is this a known Bug?
Kind regards