• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • pipeline

      As stated in #4635 from Liam Newman, currentBuild.currentResult should contain the current state. I used this feature and approximately one or two weeks ago this stopped working-> currentResult never returns FAILURE, even when the post section `failure` is processed correctly. Consider the following pipeline:

       pipeline {
          agent {
              label 'master'
              stage('Failing') { 
                          bat 'exit 1'
                  post {
                      always {
                          echo "Post-Build result: (currentBuild.result, currentBuild.currentResult):"
                          echo "${currentBuild.result}, ${currentBuild.currentResult}"
         post {
              failure {
                  echo "Post-Pipeline failure (currentBuild.result, currentBuild.currentResult): "
                  echo "${currentBuild.result}, ${currentBuild.currentResult}"
              success {
                  echo "Post-Pipeline success (currentBuild.result, currentBuild.currentResult): "
                  echo "${currentBuild.result}, ${currentBuild.currentResult}"

      I get this output (trimmed):

      Post-Build result: (currentBuild.result, currentBuild.currentResult):
      null, SUCCESS
      Post-Pipeline failure (currentBuild.result, currentBuild.currentResult): 
      null, SUCCESS

      (currentBuild.result being null is of course expected)

          [JENKINS-56536] currentBuild.currentResult not set to failed

          We also have this problem, this is critical for us since now all E-Mails and anouncements always state that the build is successfull!

          Christoph Läubrich added a comment - We also have this problem, this is critical for us since now all E-Mails and anouncements always state that the build is successfull!

            Unassigned Unassigned
            flx Felix Retter
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