Resolution: Fixed
5.0.0 (analysis-model and warnings-ng)
Issue has a constructor with String values for fileName, packageName, message, description. Another constructor is required (same number of parameters) that uses a TreeString for these arguments.
In a second step, IssueBuilder should be refined to store the members fileName, packageName, message, description in a TreeString as well.
Issue has a constructor with String values for fileName, packageName, message, description. The constructor has to be changed to required (same number of parameters) that uses a TreeString for these arguments.
All normalization and transformation logic that is currently part of the constructor of Issue should be moved to IssueBuilder#build. The Issue constructor then needs to be changed as described above.
Do the values of those parameters (now being TreeStrings) have to be 'normalized' within the Issue class as well?
If so, I would either have to implement the normalizeFeature within the TreeString.class or have to retrieve the String of e.g the fileName, normalize it and then create a new TreeString via TreeStringBuilder.
Or should the normalization happen before being passed to the Issue-Constructor ( within the IssueBuilder)?
Example for 'normalization':
Issue.java(l. 305): this.fileName = builder.intern(normalizeFileName(fileName));